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Quantification of the orientational disorder in ortho-dichlorotetramethylbenzene: A single crystal deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance and x-ray study of the site populations

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Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 131 (1) 37 (1982)

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Chemical Physics Letters 58 (4) 586 (1978)

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Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 23 (1-2) 111 (1973)

Motional Disorder in Hexasubstituted Chloromethylbenzenes

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Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 17 (3) 209 (1972)

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Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 17 (3) 223 (1972)

Orientational Freedom of Molecules in Crystals. II. Higher-Order Transition by Progressive Decorrelation of Orientations. A Monte Carlo Calculation

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Far infra-red spectra and the molecular librations in some crystalline hexa-substituted chloro-methyl benzenes

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