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Cited article:

Determination of furan aldehydes. Reaction with aniline in acetic and hydrochloric acid solutions

Theodore E. Friedemann, Patricia K. Keegan and Norman F. Witt
Analytical Biochemistry 8 (3) 300 (1964)

Polarographic Investigations of Vitamin C. II. On the Reduction Waves of Some Conjugated Tricarbonyl Compounds as Related Compounds of Dehydro-L-ascorbic Acid

Sozaburo Ono, Masanosuke Takagi and Tamotsu Wasa
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 31 (3) 364 (1958)

Polarographic Investigations of Vitamin C. I. On the Oxidation Waves of L-Ascorbic Acid and the Reduction Wave of Dehydro-L-ascorbic Acid

Sôzaburo Ono, Masanosuke Takagi and Tamotsu Wasa
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 31 (3) 356 (1958)

Die bei der Zubereitung von Naturstoffen entstehenden starkreduzierenden Substanzen I. Mitteilung: Bildung starkreduzierender Substanzen aus Zuckern und in Naturstoffen

Günther Wendland
Archiv der Pharmazie 285 (2) 71 (1952)