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Polarographic Investigations of Vitamin C. II. On the Reduction Waves of Some Conjugated Tricarbonyl Compounds as Related Compounds of Dehydro-L-ascorbic Acid
Sozaburo Ono, Masanosuke Takagi and Tamotsu Wasa Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 31(3) 364 (1958)
Polarographic Investigations of Vitamin C. I. On the Oxidation Waves of L-Ascorbic Acid and the Reduction Wave of Dehydro-L-ascorbic Acid
Sôzaburo Ono, Masanosuke Takagi and Tamotsu Wasa Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 31(3) 356 (1958)
Die bei der Zubereitung von Naturstoffen entstehenden starkreduzierenden Substanzen I. Mitteilung: Bildung starkreduzierender Substanzen aus Zuckern und in Naturstoffen