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Predictable electronic tuning of FeII and RuII complexes via choice of azine: correlation of ligand pKa with Epa(MIII/II) of complex
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Limitations of the equivalent core model for understanding core-level spectroscopies
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Theoretical calculation of total electron-impact ionization cross section of C6F12O
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Classical trajectory calculations for state-resolved Penning ionisation reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon C10H8 in collision with He*(23S)
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Dihedral‐Angle‐Controlled Crossover from Static Hole Delocalization to Dynamic Hopping in Biaryl Cation Radicals
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Assessing the ability of DFT methods to describe static electron correlation effects: CO core level binding energies as a representative case
Noèlia Pueyo Bellafont, Paul S. Bagus, Carmen Sousa and Francesc Illas The Journal of Chemical Physics 147(2) (2017)
Dihedral‐Angle‐Controlled Crossover from Static Hole Delocalization to Dynamic Hopping in Biaryl Cation Radicals
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Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd: Exciton Localization in Cofacially Arrayed Polyfluorenes
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Prediction of core level binding energies in density functional theory: Rigorous definition of initial and final state contributions and implications on the physical meaning of Kohn-Sham energies
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Symmetry Laws Improve Electronegativity Equalization by Orders of Magnitude and Call for a Paradigm Shift in Conceptual Density Functional Theory
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Validation of Koopmans' theorem for density functional theory binding energies
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Chemical Potential of Molecules Contrasted to Averaged Atomic Electronegativities: Alarming Differences and Their Theoretical Rationalization
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Asymptotic expansion of two-electron integrals and its application to Coulomb and exchange lattice sums in metallic, semimetallic, and nonmetallic crystals
On the Need for Spin Polarization in Heterogeneously Catalyzed Reactions on Nonmagnetic Metallic Surfaces
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Adsorption of polyfunctional 5‐fluorouracil and 2,4‐dithio‐5‐fluorouracil on Au(111) surface: Structure, energy, and electronic transmission
Semiempirical π-electron models for the calculation of MCD B terms for systems with approximate alternant pairing symmetry. MCD of biphenylene
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Simplified SCF calculations for sigma-bonded systems IV: Hydrogen bonding among second row atoms
Energy Spectra and Electric and Magnetic Properties of 1D Stacks of Conjugated π-Electron Systems with Defect Surface States. I. π Systems with Tamm Surface States
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Importance of Polarization in Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Descriptions of Electronic Excited States: NaI(H2O)n Photodissociation Dynamics as a Case Study
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Extended angular overlap model in the structure theory of transition metal complexes. Basic principles
Yu. V. Rakitin, V. T. Kalinnikov, S. G. Khodasevich and V. M. Novotortsev Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry 33(8) 551 (2007)
Effect of Molecular Rotation on the Atomic Alignment Dependence in the Oriented Ar (3P2) + CF3H Reaction
D. Watanabe, H. Ohoyama, T. Matsumura and T. Kasai The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111(30) 6915 (2007)
Deuterium Isotope Effect on the Atomic Alignment Dependence in the Reaction of Oriented Ar (3P2) with (CH3CN)2 and (CD3CN)2 Dimers
T. Matsumura, H. Ohoyama, D. Watanabe, K. Yasuda and T. Kasai The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111(30) 6945 (2007)
Deuterium Isotope Effect on the Atomic Orbital Alignment Dependence in the Reaction of the Oriented Ar (3P2) with CH3CN (CD3CN)
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Probing anisotropic interaction potentials of unsaturated hydrocarbons with He*(2S3) metastable atom: Attractive-site preference of σ-direction in C2H2 and π-direction in C2H4
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Anomalous electron correlation due to near degeneracy effects: Low-lying ionic states of Ne and Ar
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Penning ionization electron spectroscopy of C6H6 by collision with He*(2 3S) metastable atoms and classical trajectory calculations: Optimization of ab initio model potentials
Two-dimensional Penning ionization electron spectroscopic study on outer characteristics of molecules
Koichi Ohno, Masakazu Yamazaki, Satoshi Maeda and Naoki Kishimoto Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 142(3) 283 (2005)