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Design, construction and calibration of a portable multi sample DTA setup

Luz María Martínez, Marcelo Videa and Julio Mesquita
Thermochimica Acta 560 89 (2013)

Pressure Effect on the Solid I−Liquid and Solid III−Solid I Equilibrium Forms of Cyclohexane

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A. Würflinger
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Effect of Some Aromatic Admixtures on the Raman Line Intensity of Solid Cyclohexane at 77 K

Z. Burgudjiev, I. Penchev and V. Kavardjikov
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Low temperature Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) of some matrices stabilizing primary γ-radiolysis products

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Raman investigation of the phase transition in solid cyclohexane

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Differential thermal analysis under high pressure IV: Low‐temperature DTA of solid‐solid and solid‐liquid transitions of several hydrocarbons up to 3 kbar

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The lowest triplet state of benzene: Differences in electronic structure in two crystalline modifications of a cyclohexane host

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Etude des Mouvements Moléculaires dans li Cyclohexane Plastique à l'Aide d'une Sonde Radicalaire par Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique et Double Résonance Electronique Nucléaire

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Structure Data of Organic Crystals

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Structure Data of Organic Crystals

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Spectroscopic observation of phase transitions of cyclohexane in the presence of an impurity

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Electronic Spectra of Benzene in Cyclohexane at 77°K

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