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Cited article:

Effect of Vinyl Chloride Polymerization Conditions on Polymer Thermal Stability

M. Kolínský
Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A - Chemistry 11 (8) 1411 (1977)

Radical and ionic polymerization of vinyl chloride with tert‐butylmagnesium chloride

Alain Guyot and Jacques Mordini
Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Symposia 33 (1) 65 (1971)

Polymerization of vinyl chloride by alkyllithium compounds

V. Jíšová, M. Kolínský and D. Lím
Journal of Polymer Science Part A-1: Polymer Chemistry 8 (6) 1525 (1970)

Etude de la tacticite d'un polychlorure de vinyle par resonance magnetique nucleaire, haute resolution

Pham‐Quang Tho
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters 7 (2) 103 (1969)