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Cited article:

Dynamics of molecular reorientational motion and vibrational relaxation in liquids. Chloroform

Walter G. Rothschild, G. J. Rosasco and R. C. Livingston
The Journal of Chemical Physics 62 (4) 1253 (1975)

Molecular dipole moments in the liquid phase: An assessment introducing the far infra-red dispersion

M. Evans
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 31 (5-6) 609 (1975)

Etude des mouvements moléculaires en milieu liquide à partir du profil des bandes de vibration dans l'infrarouge et des fonctions de corrélation

J. Soussen-Jacob, E. Dervil and J. Vincent-Geisse
Molecular Physics 28 (4) 935 (1974)