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Potential-Dependent Structures and Potential-Induced Structure Changes at Pt(111) Single-Crystal Electrode/Sulfuric and Perchloric Acid Interfaces in the Potential Region between Hydrogen Underpotential Deposition and Surface Oxide Formation by In Situ Surface X-ray Scattering
Oxidation of Adsorbed CO on Pt(111) in CO-Saturated Perchloric Acid Aqueous Solutions: Simultaneous In Situ Time-Resolved Reflectance Spectroscopy and Second Harmonic Generation Studies
In Situ UV-Visible Reflectance Spectroscopy on Single Crystal Pt(111) Microfacets
Iosif Fromondi, Ana Lopez Cudero, Juan Feliu and Daniel A. Scherson Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 8(1) E9 (2005)
Potential modulated reflectance study of the electrooxidation of simple amino acids on Pt(111) in acidic media
UHV and electrochemical transfer studies on Pt(110)-(1 × 2) : the influence of bismuth on hydrogen and oxygen adsorption, and the electro-oxidation of carbon monoxide