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Cited article:

Plasmons as the primary mechanism of ion-induced modifications in polymers

J. P. Moliton, C. Jussiaux–Devilder, T. Trigaud, et al.
Philosophical Magazine B 79 (5) 793 (1999)

Ion implantation in conjugated polymers: Mechanisms for generation of charge carriers

A. Moliton, B. Lucas, C. Moreau, R. H. Friend and B. François
Philosophical Magazine B 69 (6) 1155 (1994)

Transport phenomena in implanted electroactive polymers

André Moliton, Christian Moreau, Jean-Pierre Moliton and Gérard Froyer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 80-81 1028 (1993)