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Cited article:

Reduction of Parasexiphenyl with Organometallic Compounds in THF:  Resonance Raman Scattering and Vibrational Analysis

G. Froyer, A. Simonneau, J. P. Buisson, J. Y. Mevellec and S. Lefrant
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (38) 7627 (1999)

Structural studies of parasexiphenyl thin films: Importance of the deposition parameters

L. Athouël, G. Froyer, M.T. Riou and M. Schott
Thin Solid Films 274 (1-2) 35 (1996)

Synthesis of parasexiphenyl by coupling of monobromoterphenyl: optimization and material characterization

C. Chevrot, M.T. Riou and G. Froyer
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